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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
(05-13-2019, 07:44 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: The soldier looks at Betimi curiously and says in his native New Crobuzon dialect of Ragamoll, "I'm not sure what business it is of yours.  But since you asked politely I will share what I'm able.  It has nothing really to do with respect, though we do find her a capable leader of your group and someone who fought extremely well.  Any of us would be proud to follow her even if we weren't following orders to do so.  In any case, it wouldn't make much sense to follow you when you've admitted that Selina is your leader.  It would only cause undue confusion."

"Ordered to follow her? Specifically her? By the Magistrate himself I assume?"
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(05-13-2019, 07:52 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: “And my stated desire to leave this plane?  How can they follow someone who is not physically there for them?”

"I don't believe they are asking you to lead them forever.  But they do need a leader for whatever is to happen while we explore this region that Simon is so interested in.  I assume that once we return to New Crobuzon they will return to their commander.  In other words, it doesn't matter that you want to leave this plane.  They just want a competent leader that won't get them killed until they can return and get further orders from their superiors."
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(05-13-2019, 10:12 PM)Betimi Wrote: "Ordered to follow her? Specifically her? By the Magistrate himself I assume?"

"Actually we were ordered to follow Selina by the Magistrate but only if she accepted.  I assume the Magistrate understands that Selina appears to be the leader of your group and she is more experienced than any of the guardsmen who was sent to assist you and to protect the Air-ship.  It's only natural to want the most experience person to lead the expedition so you can have the greatest success."  He pauses a moment to cast a look down at his fallen Sergeant, before adding, "Or that's what's usually suppose to be the case..."
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(05-16-2019, 09:12 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: "I don't believe they are asking you to lead them forever.  But they do need a leader for whatever is to happen while we explore this region that Simon is so interested in.  I assume that once we return to New Crobuzon they will return to their commander.  In other words, it doesn't matter that you want to leave this plane.  They just want a competent leader that won't get them killed until they can return and get further orders from their superiors."

Selina gives the matter some thought.  Nodding to herself, she realizes that there is no reason for her to reject this request of theirs.  It’s not like they’re asking her to live here.  She wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment to a plane she still wasn’t comfortable with.

“Very well then.  Shall we...?”

She tilts her head towards the stairs back above deck.
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[OoC: I've waiting for Betimi to reply to the guard but I'm pushing forward. ]

"Or that's what's usually suppose to be the case..."  The guard says while gazing down at the Sergeant.  The Sergeant was a young man who looks like he might be still in his late teens.  Only now do you notice he seems quite a bit younger than the other guards who appear quite a bit more seasoned.  "Berdem, was the son of a local noble.  His family didn't want him to take this command.  It was his first and they felt he should accept an assignment closer to home.  But Berdem wanted to prove himself to others that he was more than just his family name.  So he accepted the Magistrates offer to lead the guard despite most of us thinking he was far too green.  But it looks like he had spine after all.  Berdem could have just stood back and ordered us to fight but he fought along side us.  For that he deserves respect."


Tomeal nods, then opens the door for Selina.  "After you, Sergeant," Tomeal jests before following her up the short stairs.

On deck, while the last few people are finishing up their practice, the guards take this time to wrap the Sergeant's body and say a small prayer.  The guard who spoke to Selina earlier approaches Selina.  It's not easy to understand what he's saying so Simon translates...  "Excuse me ma'am, have you given any more thought to our request for your leadership?"
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"Hopefully his loss does not complicate matters between the Magistrate and the nobility. I willleave you alone to pay your respects as per your custom. It is my experience that you humans have odd customs around the dead, but that those are nevertheless important to you."
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Selina’s response is a raised brow and a deadpan look of ‘wut?’

Above deck, she stands and solemnly watches as the previous sergeant is laid to rest.  When the guard approaches her, she nods slowly.

“I appreciate and accept your request.  For as long as we remain on this mission, until you return to your barracks, I will accept this leadership role.”
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"Thank you for accepting.  With our leader's death, we offer you the symbol of leadership that was bestowed upon Berdem by the Magistrate when he became leader."  The guard lifts the blanket covering the corpse and removes a long scabbard that was resting down the midline of his body.  "Berdem was given this but never used it because he preferred his longsword.  But it's yours now for as long as you lead us."  The guard holds the scabbard by the tip and the pommel while presenting it to you.
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Safely back on board Ningalu seeks out his brother and finds a place they can both hide out of the way on deck.

"You do okay on gliding ? We not meant to do that,  Mother would give us wings if we were."
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(05-20-2019, 08:56 PM)Betimi Wrote: "Hopefully his loss does not complicate matters between the Magistrate and the nobility. I willleave you alone to pay your respects as per your custom. It is my experience that you humans have odd customs around the dead, but that those are nevertheless important to you."

"I don't think the magistrate cares.  He's a clever man.  He couldn't have survived so long in his position without being at least two steps ahead of anyone who challenge him.  The guard then leaves to take care of the commander's body.

Nang gives his brother a disapproving look.  "Ning left me up here by myself to be thrown overboard and then have nerve to ask me if I did okay?  I alive ain't I?"  Nang tongue flicks in and out of his mouth angrily.  I had to depend on others to make sure Nang not get splattered over mountainside when Nang should depend on twin."

When it seems Selina is hesitant to take the blade, the guard raises it toward her slightly. "It's yours until the quest ends."
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